economic security, security mechanisms, enterprise, industrial enterprise, competition, competitiveness, assessment of competitiveness, modelAbstract
The article examines the role and significance of the enterprise's competitiveness as an important factor affecting its economic security in the context of its management in the conditions of a full-scale war between russia and Ukraine. It has been established that today there are no or insufficiently effective security mechanisms, which does not contribute to the realization by enterprises, in particular industrial ones, of adequate response, adaptation to external and internal threats and their elimination in order to prevent its destruction as an important element of the socio-economic system. In particular, the essence of competitiveness and indicators of its assessment, changes in the sources of the formation of competitive advantages of economic entities as a result of the transition from a pre-industrial society to an industrial and post-industrial one were considered, and it was concluded that in a post-industrial society the dominant sphere of economic activity is the sphere of services and an important role in the formation and development innovation plays a role in business. The positive and negative features of competition and the functions it performs in modern economic conditions are considered, as a result of which it directly affects the efficiency of production in case of increasing its technical level, ensuring and improving quality and expanding the range of products, and therefore the economic security of the enterprise. Attention is focused on the expediency of developing measures adequate to modern conditions to support and increase the level of competitiveness of both the domestic economy as a whole and individual enterprises. It is emphasized that with the appearance of competitive new products, in addition to competitive advantages, threats and risks arise from the external environment, which determines the existence of a connection between competitiveness and economic security of the enterprise. The economic security of the enterprise is characterized and a number of its functional goals are outlined. A conclusion was made about the expediency of developing and implementing a security mechanism adequate to modern conditions in order to restore the economy of Ukraine in the post-war period.
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