


professional self-awareness, individual psychological characteristics, combat activity, self-regulation, stress resistance


The article discusses the problems of psychological features of the professional self-awareness of military psychologists in the situation of providing assistance to servicemen during hostilities. General psychological guidelines for the formation of professional self-awareness as a determining factor in the effectiveness of military psychologists are proposed. The methodological foundations of the study of the professional self-awareness of military psychologists are indicated, and separate results of the study of psychological features that affect their behavior in the performance of their duties in a situation of hostilities are provided. Taking into account the psychological characteristics of professional self-awareness, the expediency and methods of improving the activities of military psychologists are determined, including: the development of self-regulation skills and stress resistance, psychological means of restoring the key characteristics of military professional performance. Empirical data have been obtained that the main psychological factors of the effectiveness of military psychologists in a combat situation are sociability, activity, the ability to create a calming atmosphere, emotional balance, which contribute to the emotional discharge and raising the fighting spirit of servicemen. During the study of the influence of the psychological features of the professional self-awareness of military psychologists on the effectiveness of providing assistance in a situation of hostilities, it was found that the professionally important qualities of the specialist's psychological profile can change under the influence of the individual psychological experience gained in these actions. The success of the professional activities of military psychologists can be significantly influenced by combat stress, which should be given special attention to the skills of psychological protection. Targeted development of the ability to regulate one's own states, as well as the formation of individual characteristics of the formation of the self-regulation mechanism, can be a productive action. Self-regulation training should be built as a system of approaches to understanding one's capabilities, needs, potential, desires, attitude to oneself and the surrounding situation, and the use of all available reserves of the body and psyche.


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Author Biographies

Yurii Zhyvohliadov, KROK University

PhD (Psychology), docent of the department of psychology, Educational-scientific institute of psychology, «KROK» University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Anastasiia Denysova, KROK University

Undergraduate student, Educational-scientific institute of psychology, «KROK» University, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Zhyvohliadov, Y., & Denysova, A. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS OF MILITARY PSYCHOLOGISTS. Science Notes of KROK University, (4(68), 115–122.