


societal psyche, archetype, symbolization, therapeutic metaphor


The article examines the phenomenon of the societal psyche and reveals the content of the influence of archetypes on the spiritual transformation of Ukrainians during the war. Emphasis is placed on the importance for a person of understanding symbolic life and the features of psychological assistance in the development of symbolic and metaphorical thinking are outlined. A brief analysis of the interpretation of the unconscious forms of life in society and the collective unconscious of the human psyche is provided. In particular, such definitions as the extrapersonal system of the psyche, the psychoculture of society, the internal language of society, and archetypes are highlighted. Focuses on the polar states of man during war, from helplessness and apathy to activity and strength. It is emphasized that the human psyche has internal mechanisms of protection and self-healing, but they must be unlocked, "removed" from the unconscious and consciously identified with one's own mental integrity. The importance of symbolic thinking and language in this process is indicated, and an example of the use of a therapeutic metaphor using archetypal symbols is given. The content of psychological assistance regarding the development of a person's symbolic and metaphorical thinking is defined. In particular, it is indicated that the psychologist must learn to recognize and reflect the symbolic content of the client's experiences, to speak with him in his symbolic language and to bring all the elements of symbolic life into psychological meetings. Based on the analyzed material and many years of experience working with the metaphor, the therapeutic metaphor "Bouquet of Wheat Ears" was developed, which was used in psychotherapeutic work with heterogeneous groups of Ukrainians who were in different life circumstances during therapeutic meetings. The effect of a therapeutic metaphor, using archetypal symbols, on increasing the resource and harmonizing the psyche of a person has been theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified.


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Author Biographies

Razida Tkach, KROK University

Ph.D. (Psychology), Associate Professor of Psychology Department, «KROK» University, Kyiv. Ukraine

Olha Serbova, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Ph.D. (Psychology), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy Department, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Tkach, R., & Serbova, O. (2022). USE OF HISTORICAL MEMORY CODES OF UKRAINIANS IN THERAPEUTIC METAPHORS. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(67), 161–166.