
  • Svitlana Hаvrylіuk «KROK» University
  • Tetiana Sokol «KROK» University
  • Olena Mikho «KROK» University
  • Andrii Khorosheniuk «KROK» University



tourist business, operational activity, tourist activity, tourist product, vectors of development of operational activity in tourist enterprises


The article presents a scientific discussion on trends and problems for operational activity in tourism enterprises. The purpose of the article is to investigate the theoretical and practical foundations of the development of the operational activity of tourist enterprises and its industry specifics, to analyze the main trends in the development of the operational activity of tourist enterprises in Ukraine. The essence and components of operational activity of the enterprises of the tourist sphere are considered, its branch features defining character of formation enterprises profit of the given sphere of activity are found out. The essence of the tourist product as a subject of operational activity of tourist enterprises is conducted, modern views of various scientists on the structure of the tourist product are considered and their differences are clarified. A system of indicators characterizing the volume of sales of tourist services has been formed. A comprehensive analysis of structure of the tourist product of tour operators in Ukraine is conducted. The structure of services that are part of the tourist product is described. The main directions of development of enterprises operational activity in the tourist services market in Ukraine at the present stage are revealed. Indicators of operation activity of enterprises of different types by type of activity 79.1 "activity of travel agencies and tour operators" are investigated in dynamics. The problems that arise in carrying out of operational activities in tourism business are identified. Measures to intensify the operational activity of tourism enterprises in Ukraine are proposed, which will significantly increase their socio-economic impact on the country's economy. The scientific novelty of the article is to generalize the features of the operational activitу in tourism enterprises, taking into account industry specifics, to study the problems of operational activities development in tourism enterprises. The methodological basis of the research is general theoretical and special methods, in particular, the method of logical generalization (logical and dialectical), the method of scientific abstraction, graphoanalytical method. 2010-2020 was chosen as the research period. The development of tourism activity and the introduction of effective forms of tourism business will ensure the sustainable development of tourism in Ukraine. The results of the study can be useful in the practical work of tourism enterprises that seek to increase the efficiency of their activity.


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Author Biographies

Svitlana Hаvrylіuk, «KROK» University

PhD (Еeconomics), аssociate рrofessor, аssociate рrofessor оf tourism department

Tetiana Sokol, «KROK» University

PhD (Pedagogical), associate professor, associate professor оf tourism department

Olena Mikho, «KROK» University

PhD (Еeconomics), associate professor of tourism department

Andrii Khorosheniuk , «KROK» University

PhD (Pedagogical), associate professor, associate professor of marketing and behavioral economics


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How to Cite

Hаvrylіuk S., Sokol, T., Mikho, O., & Khorosheniuk , A. (2022). TRENDS IN OPERATING ACTIVITIES TOURIST ENTERPRISES IN UKRAINE. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(66), 96–106.



Chapter 2. Management and administration