
  • Dmytro Zaverukha Lviv State University of Internal Affairs
  • Marta Kopytko Lviv State University of Internal Affairs



security, economic security, analysis, globalization, economic system


The purpose of the article is a feature of the main qualities of the essence of economic security. The problems of researching key aspects of the essence of economic security have been the attention of many scientists, despite this, the issue of defining and researching new views on the essence of economic security is still relevant. This led to the choice of subject. The importance of studying the essential characteristics of economic security and its place in the system in the context of globalization is proved. It has been determined that today the stable development of human civilization is inextricably linked with the need for security both at the level of the entire state and at the level of an individual. A historical analysis of the development of the concept of security is carried out. It has been determined that the concept of "security" should be considered as a state of protection from real and potential dangers, threats and risks, as well as a state in which the possibility of free existence and development is fully ensured. It has been established that the concept of "economic security" should be considered as the state of the economic system in which it is capable of development and has the resources and capabilities to counteract existing and potential risks, threats and dangers. Based on the results of the study, it was determined that economic policy has a largely indirect impact on economic security. It should be noted that the threat to economic growth may arise from various external and internal sources. The economic security of the country has a hierarchical (individual, government, society) and multicomponent structure. It is characterized that economic security is achieved by creating a system in which business and politics are removed from each other, which allows business to be guided by the economic community, maximizing its profit. Economic security is an important component of a country's security. This perception raises the importance of security at all levels, especially in the economic sphere, highlighting risks and uncertainties. Therefore, it will be relevant in the future to pay attention to a detailed study of all aspects and characterization of each element of economic security.


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Author Biographies

Dmytro Zaverukha, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs


Marta Kopytko, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs

Doctor of science (Economics), professor, professor of management technologies department


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How to Cite

Zaverukha, D., & Kopytko, M. (2022). CHARACTERISTIC OF THE BASIC COMPONENT PROVISIONS OF THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE STATE. Science Notes of KROK University, (1(65), 19–24.