
  • Olga Petrunko «KROK» University
  • Оleksandr Pliushch National Technical University of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Institute for Social and Political Psychology



human-environment system, ecological approach, ecological consciousness, ecological behavior, ecological communications, ecological validity, ecological crisis, policy of change


The article analyzes the peculiarities of the functioning of the system "man – environment" in the realities of the modern post-information, postmodern world and the risks associated with it. The changes of this environment caused by the inclusion of a fundamentally new agent of economic, political, socio-psychological influence – the media are shown. The negative consequences of such inclusion are also shown. The aim of the study is to establish prospects for the application of the ecological approach in modern psychological research. Тhe main concepts and provisions of the ecological approach in its application to modern psychological research are indicated. Particular attention is paid to the coverage of such concepts as "environmental thinking", "environmental awareness", "environmental communications", "environmental validity", "environmental crisis". The interrelationships between the psychological and socio-psychological phenomena defined by these concepts are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of scientific research of ecological crisis and crisis states of the individual in these conditions in the paradigm of ecological psychology, ie taking into account the correspondence of the individual with the environment of his life, his professional activity, his personal development. The expediency of using a system of psychotechnics to develop motivation and environmental communication skills based on a methodology called "change policy" is substantiated. The policy of change - as an environmental technology to prevent and overcome the environmental crisis - should be implemented in three main directions: 1) as a policy of reorientation of consciousness, life positions, beliefs in the direction of going beyond the limits of alternative ideas and actions; 2) as a search for an ecological environment for development and self-realization, reorientation of own communications on the basis of value-oriented unity with this environment, common meanings, goals, assessments, actions based on "empathy formula", etc.; 3) as a policy of personal development and strengthening the system of its resources.


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Author Biographies

Olga Petrunko, «KROK» University

Doctor of sciences (Psychology), senior research fellow, professor of psychology department

Оleksandr Pliushch, National Technical University of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Institute for Social and Political Psychology

Doctor of sciences (Psychology), Senior Researcher, associate professor, leading researcher


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How to Cite

Petrunko, O., & Pliushch О. (2021). PROSPECTS OF APPLICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL APPROACH IN MODERN PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH. Science Notes of KROK University, (4(64), 205–216.