process, process model, body certification, conformity assessment, quality management system, certification of wheeled vehiclesAbstract
The system analysis of definitions related to certification of wheel vehicles has been performed in the current article. The certification of wheel vehicles is a procedure that combine related types of activities which converts inputs to outputs and means that process approach is applied. It was defined that quality system control process is an autonomic system analysis showing that activities and results related to quality area meet the planned activities, actually performed, appropriate for achieving the goals of the certification body es, actually performed, appropriate for achieving the goals of the certification body of wheel vehicles. The peculiarity of certification processes is the verification of resulting service for compliance that cannot be performed with regular methods. Such processes are called special. It was determined that methodologies should be developed within the quality system that define requirements for accomplishment of all service-related processes, including the following: marketing, designing and providing services. To summarize the views of various authors, the conclusion can be made that modern methods of quality management are socially oriented. The modern management methods are most fully reflected in the concept of "total quality management" . Annual Quality Improvement is a key point of the quality strategy success. As of today, the most dominated concept is annual quality improvement, that is focused on long-term results through a focus on strategic decisions. It is based on the Juran trilogy, that has defined the main stages of constantly quality management work: quality planning - quality control - quality improvement. Based on the analysis of studies regarding evolutionary solution of quality assurance, it was concluded that the main defect of all quality management systems and approaches is focus on products, not consumers and their needs and satisfactions of requirements. In quality assurance projects in management of certification WV, we can achieve customer satisfaction only in case of harmony between the responsibility of management, staff and material resources and structure of the quality management system. The article analysed the quality management system (QMS) functioning in the certification body of wheel vehicles as to compliance degree, conducted ABC analysis - internal audit of the QMS system in state company "UKRMETRTESTSTANDART". Based on the audit it was recommended to implement the “Schuhart Control Cards”. The analysis of providing services process with help of received maps was intended to identify reasons of variability of process quality indicators and to reduce this variability. This allowed to form and implement a process approach model to certification service realization at the state company "UKRMETRTESTSTANDART" and to cover all needed requirements of the quality management system in order to monitor, measure and improve process characteristics.
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