project management, value oriented management, risks of structural value imbalances, management of risks, spiral dynamics theoryAbstract
Improving the effectiveness of project management methods requires expanding the base of the analyzed features. Here, in addition to traditional investment value indicators, they increasingly include organizational and value. Value-oriented approach today is considered the most advanced method in ensuring the successful completion of projects. Application of value-oriented approach to project management is considered. Indicative essence of value by various scientific sources, and its implementation, in relation to the subjects of the project. It is noted that the notion of value is usually applied to project stewards. They have their own proofs, and during the project implementation, these expectations are implemented in the form of acquired value. Thus, added value-based approach categories such as value, stakeholders, expectations, added value, and others can be characterized as additional degrees of freedom to ensure a successful completion of a project. However, the inclusion of additional degrees of freedom, as a rule, leads to the emergence of new risks, in this case, in project management. Therefore, the authors have been tasked to analyze the relationship between providing value for the main project stakeholders and the risks that arise in this regard. The article presents the results of the analytical search for the modern state of the theoretical and practical toolkit of value-oriented management of projects, portfolios, programs in project-oriented organizations, its relationship with project risks. Analyzed basic definitions. The value of the project as meeting the interests of its main stakeholders, and the value-oriented approach, as a rule, is used to manage the organization. It is shown that value-oriented management is accompanied by risks of structural value imbalance with respect to stakeholders in a single project, which causes its instability. For the development of management techniques for this group of risks, the basic principles are formulated. As the basis of control, it is proposed to use the tools of the theory of spiral dynamics.
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