external labor migration, migration policy, state regulation, migrantsAbstract
The article defines the purpose of degressive regulation of external migration, which is to achieve the theoretical and structural balance of the request and promotion of labor force through the export and import of the labor force with the aim of ensuring the national security of the country and the realization of the constitutional rights of citizens. And also the main tasks of regulating the processes of external labor migration, including in the sphere of the export of labor force, are the main tasks and in the sphere of the implementation of the work force's main tasks. The measures of degressive regulation of processes of external labor migration for the perspective up to 2025 are proposed. It is determined that the organizational and economic mechanism of state regulation of processes of external labor migration in Ukraine includes such interconnected blocks: block 1 "regulation of external labor migration"; block 2 "Science cookie"; block 3 of the "System of control systems for external tpdovoy migrations"; Block 4 "System for achieving the goal". The proposed organizational and economic mechanism of regulation of external labor migration implements the principle of mutual structural and functional relations of separate elements of the system of state regulation of external labor migration. It is proposed to implement the regulation of migration processes by means of a set of measures on the legal, legal, organizational, information provision and inter-institutional co-operation. It is offered in the framework of the Depositary Migration Program to develop a subproject that covers all aspects of this phenomenon. This sub-program should not duplicate or replace existing national target programs in the field of demo-policy, employment and migration, and only increase the scope of de-regulation to achieve the goal.
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