state administration, economy, role of knowledge, intellectual and informational resourceAbstract
The analysis of the views of the influence of state administration on the economy is carried out. The following stages are highlighted: the first one is a liberal one, which reduces the economic role of the state to the guarantee of property rights, the inviolability of contracts and the protection of economic freedoms of citizens; the second - the Keynesian, which developed models of state economic management through programs of taxation, budget expenditures and monetary regulation (ensuring the stability of macroeconomic growth), as well as the institutional theory of public goods; the third, called conditionally "market activation of the economic role of the state" - arose at the turn of the XX and XXI century and is characterized by the expansion of state functions in the modern economy of the global market with their restructuring on market principles (the theoretical basis - the modern institutional theory of the state). At the turn of the XX and XXI centuries the state changes the forms of intervention in the economy: from direct participation in the form of state enterprises and direct budgetary state expenditures goes indirect through regulatory norms and state guarantees. This leads to the privatization of enterprises, previously provided public services (energy, transport, communications). Only in the end of the XX century the possible ways of creating, collecting, combining, uniting, processing, strengthening and transfer of knowledge change radically. As a result, the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of knowledge in the process of economic growth and development are increasing so that knowledge becomes a leading factor in creating value added and wealth education. The analysis of the views of the influence of state administration on the economy led to the emergence of a theory of modern state governance, according to which the "guiding role of the state" should be carried out with the help of effective (rational, less bureaucratized, "modern state regulation") management aimed at achieving certain results, according to defined priorities, goals, minimum standards with the use of market values, measures and tools. It has been determined that during this period special attention and more profound scientific researches in the field of public administration are observed after approval of passports of specialties (25.00.01 - theory and history of public administration, 25.00.02 - mechanisms of state administration, 25.00.03 - civil service, 25.00. 04). Thus, scientists have made a significant scientific contribution to solving contemporary pressing problems in public administration. It is important for the state to help scientists in their country to participate in international projects and thus have access to the latest technologies. Large-scale diffusion of scientific and technological potential gives small countries the chance to participate in high-tech production. On the other hand, the high mobility of ideas and technologies in the network economy forms a new function of the state - the management and protection of the national intellectual capital.
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