investments, business, planning, enterprise, efficiency of managingAbstract
The article investigates that in a market economy one of the main factors of competitiveness and efficiency of an organization is the well-designed business plan allows you to effectively develop business activities, attract investors, partners and credit resources; used to improve enterprise management and forecasting activities. In modern business conditions, the investment business plan is a working tool used in all areas of business. A business plan is a permanent document in which changes and additions are made related to changes in the internal and external environment of the enterprise. The investment business plan is an enterprise activity model that uses all elements of planning as applied to market economy categories – business, competition, marketing services, commercial risk, break-even strategies and the necessary level of profitability. A well-designed investment business plan allows you to effectively develop your business, attracting investors, partners and credit resources; used to improve enterprise management and forecasting activities. World experience shows that a business plan is a document generally accepted in most countries with developed market economies. In Ukraine, the concept of a “business plan” appeared in the early 1990s and since then a kind of evolution has passed: initially, the business plan was considered only as a tool to attract foreign investment; today, the need for drawing up business plans is realized and desirable for the development of entrepreneurial activity in modern economic conditions.
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