



mechanism, higher education, state education authorities, secondary education, governance mechanism, complex adaptive systems, management education


Socio-economic (or socioeconomic) systems, like living systems (logging systems), are examples of complex adaptive systems. In its turn, a complex adaptive system is a complex system that has the following properties: it consists of subsystems, which are also complex adaptive systems; is an open system that interacts with matter, energy and information with the environment; is a complex system whose properties are not eliminated from the properties of its subsystem levels; has a self-similarity (fractal structure); capable of adaptive activity, through which grows useful abilities and decreases futile ability; capable of maintaining its steady state; capable of increasing order and complexity due to adaptive activity. However, recognizing the system of general secondary education, or even the whole system of education in the rank of complex adaptive systems, would probably be an overestimate of the quality of existing educational systems. Therefore, the most accurate characteristic for the system of general secondary education, in our opinion, is recognition of it as a socio-economic organization. In this context, the study of general secondary education, in particular, as a factor of economic prosperity or survival in the context of the current global and local economic crisis, requires the development of a socio-economic approach to its study. Such an approach means that various branches of science - economics, sociology, political science, management theory, psychology, law, history and philosophy - are integrated with the aim of advancing to an understanding of human economic behavior. From the point of view of socioeconomics as metadiscipline, the economy is not a closed system, it is "inserted" into society, state structure, culture and education. Socioeconomics further assumes that individual alternatives are formed by values, emotions, social obligations and moral judgments rather than narrow selfishness. It is not necessary to assume that people act only rationally, or that they only pursue selfishness or pleasure.


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Author Biographies

Л. І. Паращенко, «KROK»University

doctor of science in public administration, associate professor, professor, department of management technologies

К. М. Одарчук

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of department of managerial technologies


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How to Cite

Паращенко, Л. І., & Одарчук, К. М. (2019). SPECIFICITY ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION. Science Notes of KROK University, (1 (53), 8–18. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2019-53-8-18



Chapter 1. Economic theory and history of economic thought