


human resources management system, personnel security, economic security, enterprise


The modern approaches to the interpretation of the concept "staff security" are investigated. Author's definition of " staff security" is proposed. Under "staff security" it is proposed to understand the state of personnel management, which provides for the neutralization of external and internal threats to the economic security of the enterprise. It is proposed to consider staff security as one of the functional components of the HRl management system from the standpoint of economic security. A system of HR management has been designed from the standpoint of economic security of the enterprise. The concept "staff security management system at the enterprise" is proposed to understand the system of interrelated measures to create conditions for the normal functioning, development and effective HR management of the company, provided that a stable state of its economic security system is maintained. The main stages of creating a system for staff security management of the company are: decision-making on the formation of a HR management system at the enterprise; development of the concept of forming a HR management system at the enterprise; development of internal regulations on staff security; development of a system of management of threats to the economic safety of the enterprise in the process of HR management; development of a methodology for assessing the state of the company's staff security management system; obtaining the results of the assessment of the state of the company's staff security management system; functioning of the HR management system of the enterprise. The strategies of HR management at the enterprise are considered, namely: strategy of saving of expenses on the personnel; strategy of coordinating forecasts of the needs of the personnel with the plans of the organization development; the strategy of providing the company with highly qualified personnel; the strategy of additional investments not only in the training and development of personnel, but also in creating conditions for rational use of it. It is proposed to provide the company with an economic security strategy to develop a staff safety management strategy, which consists in personnel planning of the company's activity, which will minimize the impact of threats to economic security on the part of the company's personnel. The purpose, tasks, functions and principles of personnel management system management at the enterprise have been established. The main subsystems and elements of the personnel security management system at the enterprise are systematized.


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Author Biography

І. П. Мігус, «KROK» University

doctor of economics, professor, professor of the management of financial and economic security department


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How to Cite

Мігус, І. П. (2018). CREATING A SYSTEM OF STAFF SECURITY MANAGEMENT AT THE ENTERPRISE. Science Notes of KROK University, (4 (52), 213–221.



Chapter 8. Economic security of the state and economic entities