
  • Л. В. Січевлюк «KROK» University




Ukrainian state Bank, Central Bank, banking system, issuance, reorganization


The article analyzes the beginning of the formation of the domestic banking system, which should be associated with the process of creating banking institutions in the period of state-building searches in Ukraine in 1917-1921. It was then that the state Bank was established, which served as the central issuing institution of the state. In article it is noted that the problems of creation and functioning of the Ukrainian state Bank were directly related to the processes of development of Ukrainian statehood. Also article characterized the importance of the Ukrainian state Bank for the improvement of the national credit and banking system in the following areas: firstly, the Ukrainian state Bank was the Creator of a new theoretical concept of the formation of the national currency; secondly, the study of organizational and legal aspects of the Ukrainian state Bank's activities is of great importance; thirdly, the experience of reorganization of banking institutions in the period of 1917-1921 will be useful for modern students and the formation of their competencies. The author concludes that the history of banking activity in 1917-1921 contains instructive experience of opening or closing of banks, their reorganization or restructuring, search of optimal models of organizational and legal forms of banking activity. Based on the experience of the Ukrainian state Bank to improve the modern banking system, it is proposed to expand information transparency in the activities of banks, as well as to strengthen public control over their activities. At the same time, it is proved that the two-level system with a high degree of autonomy of commercial banks, which was formed in this historical period remains optimal in our time. It is determined that for the formation of the competence of modern bankers is important to study the process of formation of the institution of banks` reorganization. It is revealed that during the study period only reorganization in the form of transformation was in demand, which provided that the Bank changes its purpose, functions and subordination to the authorities.


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Author Biography

Л. В. Січевлюк, «KROK» University

candidate of economics, associate professor


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How to Cite

Січевлюк, Л. В. (2018). EXPERIENCE OF CREATION AND FUNCTIONING OF THE UKRAINIAN STATE BANK AND ITS IMPORTANCE FOR THE FORMATION OF COMPETENCIES OF MODERN BANKERS. Science Notes of KROK University, (4 (52), 60–64. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2018-52-60-64



Chapter 3. Finance, banking and insurance