



Quality Management, Quality Control, Statistical Quality Control, Total Quality Control, Total Quality Management


The article identifies and analyzes the priority factors that hinder the quality management of the enterprise, since in any society occasional crises occur, and in recent years a significant number of enterprises remain ineffective and financially ineffective. It has been established that the quality management of the enterprise focuses on the establishment of a system for managing all the vital processes of an enterprise that would enable it to make the necessary conclusions and adjust the processes, reacting to the rapid changes in the external and internal environment, requires the introduction of internal standards that fix the requirements for management processes, which allows for the concept of TQM. The development of the TQM concept, which includes several stages of evolution, is analyzed: Quality Control (QC), Statistical Quality Control (SQC), Total Quality Control (TQC), and Total Quality Management (TQM). The article presents a universal scheme for product quality management, which, unlike the generally known, focuses on the resources and potential of the enterprise. A program for improving the quality management of a trading company is proposed, the content and terms of which can be adjusted in accordance with the needs and capabilities of a particular enterprise. Also, the block diagram of checking the functioning of the quality system in accordance with the concept of TQM is also substantiated.


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Author Biographies

О. Б. Данченко, «KROK» University

doctor of technical sciences, professor of business administration and project management, head of the department of business administration and project management

О. І. Бєлова, «KROK» University

«KROK» University

Х. М. Сафар, «KROK» University

Ph.D. student, department of business administration and project management


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How to Cite

Данченко, О. Б., Бєлова, О. І., & Сафар, Х. М. (2019). ENSURING OF EFFECTIVE QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN TRADING COMPANY THROUGH THE USE OF TQM CONCEPT. Science Notes of KROK University, (1 (53), 90–96. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2019-53-90-96



Chapter 6. Management and administration