


enterprise, trade enterprise, competitiveness, strategic management, competitive strategy


The article defines and analyzes the concept of competitive strategy of the enterprise and it is determined that this is a way of obtaining stable competitive advantages (taking into account exogenous and endogenous determinants) in each strategic business unit of an enterprise through competition, meeting the diverse and changing needs of consumers better than competitors do; and consumer empowerment. Article describes the main factors contributing to increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise, examines the main competitive strategies of the theory of strategic management and highlights those that are relevant for the enterprises of Ukraine at the present stage of economic development. These include cost leadership strategies, a focused differentiation strategy, and a focused low cost strategy. The principles of forming a competitive strategy at a modern enterprise are also analyzed which include focus, systemic, resource constraints, complexity, alternatives, optimality, sequence of actions, manageability, flexibility and efficiency. The stages of the implementation of a competitive strategy at the trade enterprise are proposed: definition of directions of events, division of duties of personnel in the process of implementation of measures, determination of the pace and timing of implementation of measures, monitoring of the implementation of measures, creation of support and monitoring systems for the implementation of measures, control. Such a sequence will ensure the long-term viability of the results of the implementation of the proposed measures. It is proved that the analysis of strategic potential, identifying key success factors for the company and its weaknesses in the competition will identify the internal processes of the company, which can be viewed as strengths or its weaknesses, assess their significance and determine competitive advantage.


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Author Biography

О. І. Бєлова, «KROK» University

PhD, associate professor department of project management and business administration


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How to Cite

Бєлова, О. І. (2018). FORMATION OF COMPETITIVE STRATEGY FOR TRADING ENTERPRISE. Science Notes of KROK University, (4 (52), 86–93.



Chapter 5. Economy and management of the state and economic entities