


personnel management, japanese model, corporation, human resource management, strategy, management, american model


In modern theory and practice of personnel management, in enterprises of industrially developed countries, two absolutely opposite approaches dominate - American and Japanese. The basis of the concept of personnel management of the enterprise, at present, is the increasing role of the employee's personality, knowledge of his motivational units, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the enterprise. Personnel management in such a situation becomes especially important as it allows to realize, generalize a wide range of issues of adaptation of the individual to external conditions, taking into account the personal factor in the construction of a personnel management system. The aggravation of crisis phenomena in the economy involves the search and analysis of the latest methods of work to realize the idea of the value of human development. Taking into account the importance and relevance of these issues, the latest technologies of personnel management of the organization have been revealed and grounded in ensuring its effective development on an innovative basis. The article attempts to compare the foreign experience of human resources management. The modern technologies of creation of the collective are carefully considered, among which special attention is paid to team building, coaching technologies and their application in the development of human resources of the organization. Peculiarities of development of emotional competence of managerial staff are explored. A special place in this work is the justification of modern trends in the management of human resources of the organization. The article compares the American and Japanese models of human resources management. The conceptual scheme of human resources management, features of the Japanese management and the main strategies in personnel management are determined; Major levels of governance in Japanese organizations. The features of the decision-making process in Japanese corporations are revealed. The application of the model in Japanese corporations in the current conditions of globalization and transnationalization of the economy is explored. The revealed shortcomings of the practical application of the model in modern enterprises. A conclusion is made on the effectiveness of using the "Japanese model" of personnel management in the context of modern transformations and the practical application of the American model.


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Author Biographies

М. П. Денисенко, Kyiv national university of technology and design

doctor of economics, professor, professor department of business economics and tourism

О. Ю. Будякова, Kyiv national university of technology and design,

candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer chair business economics and turizm

Ю. В. Волощук, Kyiv national university of technology and design

student department of business economics and tourism


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Mykola Denysenko, Alona Melnyk, Zorina Shatskaya, Olena Budiakova International regulatory experience business activity. Research and Innovation: Collection of scientific articles. Yunona Publishing, New York, USA. 2019. p. 55-58.

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Денисенко М. П. Cтан та тенденції розвитку сучасного підприємництва: монографія. Київ : ТОВ «ДКС центр», 2019. 464 с.

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How to Cite

Денисенко, М. П., Будякова, О. Ю., & Волощук, Ю. В. (2019). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. Science Notes of KROK University, (2 (54), 137–144.



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