


the concept of civil security of the state, civil society, state administration, provisions of the law, the Constitution of Ukraine, economic security, national security, people of Ukraine


The article presents the model of the concept of civil security of the state based on the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population in Ukraine. In the proposed concept, interests of the overwhelming majority of citizens are laid, as well as the creation of conditions for effective lobbying of civil society interests, taking into account internal and external threats, risks and dangers. The ways of its formation are investigated. The state of security of civil society in Ukraine is analyzed from threats, risks and dangers, which include internal threats and risks and external ones. As objects of investigation of internal threats, a corrupt component was taken, lobbying interests of business groups in contradiction to national interests and the judicial system, as well as activities of executive authorities and legislative bodies. The objects of the study of external threats were taken by international business structures, foreign countries and multinational corporations. A number of factors have been established that have a direct impact on the lobbying activity of citizens, among which the most important are economic factors. The dependence of economic security of civil society and economic security of the state is determined. The role and place of economic security of the state in solving problems of ensuring the security of civil society is explored. The place of technologies of lobbying of citizens' interests in the system of national security of Ukraine is determined, which consists in the systematic activity on prevention of threats and risks of national security, in the economic sphere, information, political and social. The modern information technologies that implement the mechanism of communication in civil society are considered, as well as a number of safeguards have been established for the negative impact of their use by destructive lobbyist groups, on the way to implementing the concept of civil security in public administration. 


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Author Biography

Т. С. Яровой, Interregional Academy of Person-nel Management

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department Public Admini-stration


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How to Cite

Яровой, Т. С. (2019). FORMATION OF THE CONCEPT OF PUBLIC SECURITY OF THE STATE. Science Notes of KROK University, (3 (51), 195–203.



Chapter 8. Economic security of the state and economic entities