psychological education, professional training, coping strategy, stress resistance, adaptation, psycho-emotional state, cognitive techniques, modeling techniquesAbstract
Abstract. The article analyzes the peculiarities of the development of coping strategies in the process of professional training of future psychologists with the focus on cognitive and behavioral aspects. Given the modern conditions of high requirements for psychological training of specialists, the formation of stress resistance and adaptive potential through the development of effective coping strategies is of particular importance. This allows future psychologists to ensure the quality performance of professional duties, overcoming the challenges associated with the specifics of their activities. The article reveals the relevance of the study, substantiates the need to integrate the development of coping strategies into professional education, given the high level of emotional stress of psychologist’s work.
The modern scientific literature that highlights the relationship between personal traits, social influences and the specifics of learning environment in the formation of coping strategies has been analyzed. The key cognitive and behavioral components of these strategies, which play a significant role in the professional efficiency and psychological well-being of specialists, are highlighted. It is substantiated that the development of coping strategies is an important factor in preventing emotional burnout, which emphasizes their importance in the professional training of future psychologists.
The paper uses the methods of theoretical analysis, comparison, generalization and systematization, which allowed to structure modern approaches to the study of coping strategies. It is proved that the professional training of psychologists should include not only the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also the development of the ability for emotional self-regulation and adaptation to stressful situations. The content of the cognitive and behavioral components of coping strategies is determined.
As a result, it is proved that the effectiveness of the formation of coping strategies depends on the ability of the modern education system to take into account the cognitive and behavioral aspects of the coping competence of future professionals. The specific methods and techniques for developing the cognitive and behavioral components of coping strategies in future psychologists are outlined. The theoretical study forms a solid basis for further improvement of psychological education aimed at training stress-resistant and professionally adapted specialists.
Prospects for further research are related to the study of the dynamics of the development of the cognitive and behavioral components of coping strategies at different stages of training, as well as the influence of individual psychological characteristics of psychological education students on this process.
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