leadership, leadership styles, project teams, agile approaches, team coordinatorAbstract
The article discusses the evolution of the role of leadership in managing project teams, in particular in the context of an agile environment. The relevance of the topic is driven by the transformation of the work environment, the growing popularity of hybrid working models, and the need to adapt leadership approaches to new conditions. The absence of a traditional hierarchical leader in agile teams requires the introduction of new roles that promote productivity, motivation and innovation. The purpose of the study is to define the functions of the project team coordinator as a key role that ensures the formation of a comfortable environment for the team. The research methodology includes an analysis of modern leadership concepts, a comparative analysis of agile approaches, a systems approach, and project management theory. The scientific results obtained are the identification of leadership styles: service, distributed, collaborative and inspirational, which are used holistically in team management; the key functions of the team coordinator are identified based on the analysis of agile approaches; a model for creating a comfortable work environment is formed, described by the triad ‘safety-trust- well-being. The theoretical significance of the study is to clarify the role and functions of leadership in project management and to identify the key factors of team management. Prospects for further research are to explore the possibilities of using HR technologies in the activities of a team coordinator and to investigate methods of maintaining well-being in long-term crisis situations.
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