empirical methods, psychological profile models, psychological portrait, managerial activity, managerAbstract
Empirical methods of researching the psychological portrait of managers are analyzed in the article. On the basis of the developed theoretical model of the manager’s psychological profile and the main empirical indicators, a study of the influence of this profile on the effectiveness of his activity was conducted. The purpose of the study is to analysed the features of the psychological profile of the manager and its influence on the effectiveness of managerial activities, which allows planning directions for the development of the characteristics that make up this profile and affect the effectiveness of managerial work. The following psychodiagnostic toolkit was used to interview managers in order to study the manager’s psychological profile and determine its impact on management effectiveness: the "Research of communicative and organizational tendencies" (KOS-2) technique by V. V. Sinyavskyi and B. A. Fedoryshyn; test "Diagnostics of predisposition to a certain leadership style" (E. P. Ilyin); the technique "Cognitive orientation (locus of control)" (by J. Rotter); "Self-assessment of willpower" test; diagnosis of the possible behavior style of the individual in conflict situations (K. Thomas); diagnostic method of socio-psychological adaptation by K. Rogers and R. Diamond, five-factor "Big Five" personality questionnaire and a questionnaire for collecting socio-demographic data. Instead, in order to determine the management efficiency of the management, their characteristics, a survey of their subordinates was carried out. For this, a test of the effectiveness of the manager’s activity was used, as well as modified tests: "Study of communicative and organizational tendencies" (KOS-2) by V. V. Sinyavskyi and B. A. Fedoryshyn; "Diagnostics of predisposition to a certain leadership style" (E. P. Ilyin); diagnosis of possible styles of personality behavior in conflict situations (K. Thomas). Therefore, as a result, the study of the influence of the psychological profile of the manager on the effectiveness of his activity took place consistently, during three stages: theoretical, empirical and final.
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