


professional communication, communication, communicative competence, professional activity of border guards, socio-psychological factors of communicative competence of border guards


As a result of the theoretical study, the main theoretical approaches to the study of the problem of the communicative competence of border guards in the studies of foreign and domestic scientists were analyzed. The original concept of "communicative competence" is highlighted, which is the basis for defining the basic concepts of the studied phenomenon (communication, communication, professional ability to establish contact with the subject). The essence of the concept of communicative competence is determined as a set of linguistic, extralinguistic and background knowledge, abilities, skills, worldview, general human and professionally important qualities that ensure effective communicative interaction in the process of performing functional duties, as a persistent desire of an individual to achieve the expected success in his activity , focusing on a specific result by mobilizing mental resources and increasing activity. The analysis of the main substantive and procedural theories of communicative competence in psychological science shows that these theories are interconnected, make up a single system of knowledge about communication in human behavior in general and professional activity in particular, and can also be used in the study of social-psychological mechanisms formation of professional competence of border guards. The specifics of professional communication of border guards are indicated, which is complicated by the fact that they have to deal with people who differ in certain characteristics: material and social status, level of education, profession, gender, age qualification, level of intelligence, moral and ethical qualities. That is why border guards every time have to "adapt" to the interlocutor, find effective forms of influence and means of communication that are understandable for the interlocutor and means of communication, which also requires creativity, creativity, non-standard approaches in the style of speech, frequent various reincarnations-changes in manners and behavior. The main socio-psychological mechanisms of the formation of professional competence are analyzed, which include: the level of personal demands, self-efficacy, sustainability, sense of self-worth and the need for self-actualization, internal expectations and incentives, social guarantees and the system of incentives, the level of socialization of the individual, professional orientation and career prospects growth, socio-cultural environment, management style in the organization and working conditions.


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Author Biographies

Antonii Melnyk, Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka

Ph.D. (Psychology), Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, Lutsk

Oleg Duda, "KROK" University

Master's degree in Psychology, "KROK" University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Melnyk, A., & Duda, O. (2024). COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE AS THE BASIS OF THE PROFESSIONALISM OF BORDER GUARDS. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(75), 269–279.