



values, value orientations, social principles


This article presents a theoretical analysis of the concepts of "values" and "value orientations," which hold key significance in social and humanities disciplines such as psychology, sociology, cultural studies, and philosophy. It demonstrates that values serve as general cultural and social principles that form the foundation for individual beliefs. Value orientations, in turn, represent individual interpretation and adaptation of these values, directly influencing human behavior and social interactions. The article examines existing approaches to distinguishing these concepts in scientific research and highlights the pronounced lack of differentiation between values and value orientations, which complicates their theoretical analysis and practical application. The study's objective is to provide a detailed definition and clarification of the differences between these concepts. The review includes both historical and contemporary approaches to studying values and value orientations, with particular attention to the contributions of Ukrainian and international researchers in this field. The article emphasizes the importance of distinguishing these concepts for a deeper understanding of their impact on individual and social processes. Special attention is given to interdisciplinary approaches, such as psychological, sociological, cultural, and philosophical, which reveal various aspects of these concepts and their role in shaping value orientations. Each of these approaches offers unique perspectives for analyzing and understanding the complexity of the relationship between values and value orientations. It is emphasized that values, as general cultural principles, form the basis for individual value orientations, which determine specific beliefs and behavioral attitudes. The study results demonstrate that a clear distinction between these concepts is essential for developing theoretical and practical approaches in relevant scientific disciplines.


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Author Biography

Natalia Shmatko, "KROK" University

PhD student, Department of Psychology, "KROK" University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Shmatko, N. (2024). DIFFERENTIATION OF THE CONCEPTS OF VALUES AND VALUE ORIENTATIONS IN PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(75), 280–285. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2024-75-280-285