management decisions, commercial organizations, staff, mental health, mental health components, indicators of uncertainty tolerance, warAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of management decisions regarding the provision of mental health and the development of tolerance to uncertainty in the personnel of commercial organizations in wartime conditions. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: to investigate the level of mental health of the personnel of commercial organizations in war conditions; to analyze the relationship between mental health and uncertainty tolerance of the personnel of commercial organizations in the conditions of war; justify the system of management decisions to ensure mental health and develop tolerance for uncertainty of personnel of commercial organizations in war conditions.The authors analyze the levels of development of the main components (emotional, reflective-personal, operational-functional) of mental health as well as the manifestations of uncertainty tolerance (attitude to novelty, attitude to complex tasks, attitude to uncertain situations, preference for uncertainty, general uncertainty tolerance) of commercial organization staff in war conditions. There was found a relationship between the commercial organization staff's mental health and the indicators of uncertainty tolerance in war conditions. The emotional and reflective-personal components of the commercial organization staff's mental health were most closely related to uncertainty tolerance. The author makes a conclusion about the expediency of a special system of management decisions in commercial organizations not only to ensure the economic efficiency of the organization, but also to promote staff's mental health and uncertainty tolerance in war conditions. The components of the management decision system are described in detail (at the level of organization as a whole and at the staff level).
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