


innovation, innovative activity, management of innovation, educational institution


The theoretical analysis and historical aspect of the concept of innovation, the innovation process from different points of view and the concept of innovative activity in the educational institution of foreign and domestic researchers are given in the article. The features of management of innovations in the educational sphere are revealed. The types of innovations from the positions of novelty and sphere of distribution are presented .Such concepts, as retro innovation, analog innovation; combinatory innovation and essential innovation are characterized. It is considered what is include innovations in teaching, education, management and retraining of teaching staff. It is proved that the innovation process is a complex dynamic system, which is carried out, first of all in time. The results of innovative process are innovations. Also, one of basic factors is considered, that influences on introduction of innovations in an educational process - readiness of teachers to introduction of innovative methods in the work. On the basis of three schools of Desnianskyi district of Kyiv sociological research is carried out, which was to define the level of readiness of teachers to implementation of innovative methods in their work.The article reveals a level of interest in innovative changes in pedagogical activity and analyzes the causes of inadequate innovation activity, obstacles in the development
and development of innovations. Based on the questionnaires and interviewing of school teachers, we have formed a package of measures to increase innovation activity in educational institutions, it is necessary to introduce the administration of the educational institution, to increase the readiness of the teaching staff to introduce innovative methods in their work.


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Author Biographies

І. Л. Петрова, «КRОК» University

doctor of economics, professor, head of chair marketing and behavioral economics

О. В. Сивка, «КRОК» University

master‘s degree applicant, chair management


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Генеральный директор ВОИС подчеркивает роль инноваций в решении глобальных проблем на

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How to Cite

Петрова, І. Л., & Сивка, О. В. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY IN THE INSTITUTIONS OF EDUCATIONAL SPHERE. Science Notes of KROK University, (3 (51), 119–126.



Chapter 6. Management and administration