educational dialogue, implementing dialog in the educational process, future teachers, formal dialogue, personal readiness to implement dialogue in the educational process, facilitative abilities, empathy, reflexivityAbstract
The article analyzes the scientific views of psychology, philosophy and pedagogy on understanding the concept of "dialogue". The essence of educational dialogue as a form of learning in the humanitarian paradigm of education aimed at the holistic personal formation of participants in interaction through the internal motivation for self-development and meaning-searching activities is revealed. Three levels of dialogue implementation in the educational process are analyzed: formal, content, personal and semantic. The importance of the personal approach in understanding the readiness of future teachers to implement educational dialogue is substantiated. The analysis uses a humanistic approach that considers a person in terms of his or her intentions and strengths, and accordingly, the focus on stable innate characteristics is limited, while the ability of the individual to improve and acquire new traits necessary to achieve the goal is emphasized. The personal readiness of the future teacher to implement dialogue in the educational process is defined as a complex dynamic formation, represented by internal attitudes towards congruent, well-intentioned and meaningful relationships in the educational environment to form a holistic personality of the student. The main personal features that characterise the readiness to implement dialogue in the educational process are outlined: the desire to assist others in their personal growth, facilitative abilities to congruence and unconditional acceptance of the other's personality, sincerity, authenticity, openness in relationships, contact, attention to the student's personality, emotions, the ability to deeply feel one's own and other people's emotions, the ability to control them, the possibility of self-improvement based on the analysis of one's previous actions, a deep study of one's personal and professional identity. It is shown that the implementation of educational dialogue in the educational process is a necessity at the present stage of society's development, and the training of specialists who could implement it is an urgent task of higher education institutions.Downloads
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