


tourist destination, strategic management, tourism industry, martial law, sustainable development


The article presents a study on the peculiarities of managing a tourist destination during wartime. It outlines the main problems of destination management in these conditions and the obstacles that hinder the management of tourist destinations during wartime. The authors conducted a comprehensive study of critical factors that influence the strategic management of tourist destinations in unpredictable war conditions. The tasks, and main peculiarities of strategic management under such circumstances have been identified. Trends in the development of tourism entrepreneurship in Ukraine have been analyzed, and the main problems and threats have been systematized. The authors have categorized and summarized the challenges faced by tourism entrepreneurs in wartime, including decreased tourist demand, forced relocation of a significant part of the population, restrictions on men traveling abroad, closed airspace, increased operating costs, decreased tourist safety, and more. It is noted that the development of new tours and the reorientation of tourism activities to more promising tourist destinations in conflict areas could be the tools to address these problems. The advantages of tourist destinations as the basis for forming an optimal management strategy in wartime have been examined. Emphasis has been placed on the strategic and tactical opportunities to support the development of tourism entrepreneurship in the context of modern challenges. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the comprehensive study of this issue and finding new approaches to managing tourist directions in uncertain conditions. The methodological basis of the study includes general theoretical and specific methods, including logical generalization, comparative analysis, theoretical interpretation, as well as analytical, systematic, comparative analysis, and systematization. The results of the study can be useful in the practical work of tourism enterprises seeking to improve the efficiency of their economic activities in wartime.


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Author Biographies

Svitlana Hаvrylіuk, KROK University

PhD of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor оf Tourism Department, KROK  University, Kyiv

Serhii Melesyk, KROK University

Associate Professor оf Tourism Department, KROK University, Kyiv

Nataliia Vorobyova, National Academy of Managerial staff of Culture and Arts

PhD of economics, Associate Professor оf Departmentart management and event technologies,  National Academy of Managerial staff  of Culture and Arts, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Hаvrylіuk S., Melesyk, S., & Vorobyova, N. (2024). THE STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES OF TOURIST DESTINATIONS IN THE WARTIME CONDITIONS. Science Notes of KROK University, (2(74), 116–124.