


self-esteem, self-presentation, self-attitude, youth, social networks


The article describes the features of correlation of self-esteem and self-attitude of youth that uses social networks. The phenomenon of self-presentation has acquired great significance and relevance due to the emergence and spread of social networks that involve a demonstration of one’s Self in the dimension of social networks and taking of a certain position. In modern world, social networks help young people feel connected to others and present themselves as individuals. Self-esteem is an assessment that a person gives to themselves, their qualities and abilities, as well as their place in the social environment. A person's self-esteem shows their social adaptation, it plays a role of a regulator of behaviour and activity that accumulates the entire life experience of an individual. The phenomenon of self-presentation may be interpreted within one of three paradigms: 1) self-presentation is defined as a general characteristic of an individual's social behaviour, that is, purposeful and conscious behaviour aimed at creating a certain impression on others; the process or the subject’s constant desire to present the desired image to the external and internal public); 2) self-presentation as a mean for elimination of cognitive dissonance; 3) there is a relation between person’s self-presentation and self-awareness. The results of an empirical study of the features of the correlation between self-esteem and self-presentation of young people in social networks are presented. It was found empirically that half of the interviewees had a low level of self-esteem, it was also found that the self-presentation tactics of the assertive type predominate in terms of manifestation, and the tactics of the defensive type acquired comparatively less manifestation. In accordance with the results of the correlation analysis, it was determined that when the level of self-esteem increases, young people use defensive type defensive type of self-presentation less. In other words, when the level of self-esteem increases, young people begin to lean towards self-presentation strategies aimed primarily at managing impressions, and not at protecting their own image in the eyes of others.


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Author Biography

Larysa Berezovska, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Practical Psychology, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv


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How to Cite

Berezovska, L. (2023). RELATIONSHIP OF SELF-ESTEEM AND SELF-PRESENTATION OF YOUTH IN SOCIAL NETWORKS. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(71), 142–149.