



warehouse logistics, warehousing, storage, goods, supply, logistics, warehouse, robotics, startup, grant


The relevance of the proposed study is due to the importance of the coordinated activity of the warehouse economy, as one of the most important elements of the logistics system, which takes place at any stage of the material flow from the sources of raw materials to production and, subsequently, to the final consumer. The method of research is the analysis of logistics problems in the activities of business companies, their leaders and the identification of optimal financing options. During the research, we used the bibliographic method, methods of analysis and synthesis, the method of descriptive statistics, the method of expert assessments, graphical and tabular methods, as well as the modeling method. By the method of expert assessments, the key problems of warehouse logistics enterprises are summarized, the causes of their occurrence and the possible consequences of ignoring them are determined. The author's vision of solving the specified warehouse problems in order to ensure the preservation of stocks, cost efficiency and the optimal level of logistics service is presented. Ways to solve warehouse problems include the implementation of specialized software, warehouse planning technology, in particular, the warehouse management system (WMS), establishing relationships with various links of the supply chain, and organizing external and internal marketing research to prepare the logistics enterprise for seasonal fluctuations in demand; the safety rules for warehouse personnel are summarized, as well as the issue of organizing regular control of logistics processes of the warehouse is substantiated. The main logistics functions and the structure of the logistics process of the consolidation warehouse are considered, the advantages and disadvantages of their use are classified. Examples are given of the priorities for the development of robotics and the introduction of startups in the innovative activities of the domestic warehouse infrastructure. Current trends of the Ukrainian robotics market are highlighted. Popular forms of financing the needs of warehouse management are outlined. The advantages and disadvantages of external sources of financing innovative activities are analyzed. Examples of attracting grants for the needs of warehouse logistics equipment are given.


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Author Biography

Olha Romaniuk, KROK University

Master's student, «KROK» University, Kyiv


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How to Cite

Romaniuk, O. (2023). WAREHOUSING AND APPROACHES TO FINANCING STARTUPS IN THE LOGISTICS INDUSTRY. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(71), 74–84. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2022-71-74-84