tourist animation, animation program, professional competences, professional trainingAbstract
The article focuses attention on the fact that in the conditions of intensive changes taking place in the socio-economic development of the tourism industry in Ukraine, the training of a new type of specialists for this industry, a professional personality with deep professional knowledge and formed professional values, continues to acquire considerable relevance. The purpose of the article is to study the pedagogical conditions of using forms of tourist animation in the system of professional training of students majoring in "Tourism", to analyze the structure and content of the professional competence of future tourism specialists. The main task is to substantiate the effectiveness of the use of forms of tourist animation in the system of professional training of future tourism specialists. The concept of professional competencies of future tourism specialists, which determine the readiness and ability to carry out and consciously organize activities to create recreational and animation programs based on knowledge, skills, experience, and improvement of professionally important qualities, is summarized. It is indicated that the use of elements of tourist animation contributes to the development of artistry, creative activity, imagination and speech in future tourism specialists. In the process of developing an animation program and implementing a recreation and animation project, students used the entire arsenal of project tools: from scenario development to technical design; from functional analysis to organization and implementation of the planned program. This contributed to the improvement of professionally significant competencies: the ability to analyze and determine the requirements for the project of a recreational and animation program and synthesize a set of possible solutions to tasks or approaches to the implementation of developed and ready health and entertainment activities; the ability to draw up a detailed specification of requirements for recreational and animation programs and prepare a complete set of documentation of health and entertainment activities, with basic economic calculations for their implementation; the ability to apply scientific research methods in the creation of game and wellness programs and to prove the novelty of conceptual solutions.
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