decision making, rational approach, intuitive approach, situation of uncertainty, overcomingAbstract
The existence of Ukrainian enterprises and organizations in emergency conditions of martial law exacerbated the problem of decision-making in a situation of uncertainty. The publication provides a theoretical analysis of the psychological aspects of decision-making in the context of two opposing approaches based on rational and intuitive principles. A review of classical theories that consider decision-making as a rational-intellectual, step-by-step process of finding and selecting alternatives in accordance with predetermined criteria for successfully overcoming a difficult situation. On the other hand, the intuitive-emotional approach suggests considering decision-making as a quick, unconscious, insight based on the manager's past experience. The advantages and limitations of both approaches are revealed, with an emphasis on the dimensions that determine the problem of the situation. The high degree of variability of internal and external conditions, characteristic of Ukrainian society in recent years (as well as the global socio-economic situation), makes the process of decision-making by subjects of managerial activity extremely difficult: it increases risks, complicates planning, and makes impossible to predict likely changes in the near future and distant perspective. The results of researches of the personal qualities promoting realization of rational and intuitive ways of decision-making are resulted. It is concluded that the need for a comprehensive consideration of rational and intuitive mechanisms as two poles of a single continuum: emotional regulation is an important factor in activating and regulating intellectual strategies. Making productive decisions in the activities of the manager requires a holistic interaction of rational, analytical, emotional and intuitive processes, which is especially important in situations of uncertainty.
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