



testing laboratory, regulatory documents, risk management, making decision, systematic approach to management


Currently, Ukraine is going through difficult times. Obtaining the status of a candidate member of the EU opens up new political and economic opportunities for the country. For the testing laboratory of light industry, this means that it is necessary to pay attention and take into account the requirements of the European Union in its activities. The article analyzes the Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 on market surveillance, product conformity and CE marking, which establishes requirements for market control related to sales. In accordance with this aspect, prospects for the development of the testing laboratory are provided. It is asserted that today's realities force the managers of the testing laboratory of light industry to think about the prospects for the development of new aspects in the activity. One of these aspects is access to the European market. The light industry testing laboratory has extensive experience in tests related to the methods of outdated standards, i.e. GOSTs. But by now, the laboratory has developed and implemented too many new harmonized test methods. When choosing to introduce a new method, management mainly relies on its knowledge and experience. But for an objective assessment, a general making decision algorithm must be created. The article examines the factors affecting making decision regarding the activities of the light industry testing laboratory in the context of aspects of the introduction of new testing methods. It is stated that the main approach to making decision should be a technique based on the ideology of total quality management - Total Quality Management (TQM). The requirements contained in the normative documents on which the activity of the testing laboratory is based were studied. The proposed algorithm for making a decision regarding the introduction of a new test method into the activity of a testing laboratory. Considered as the introduction of a new test method is reflected in the quality system. A chain of the evidence base for making decision regarding the result of measurements in accordance with the requirements of the standard is proposed.


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Author Biographies

Olha Sinhaivska, KROK University

postgraduate students, «KROK» University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Leonid Vitkin, KROK University

Doctor of Engineering, professor of the department of management technologies, «KROK» University, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Sinhaivska, O., & Vitkin, L. (2022). TQM PRINCIPLES IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE LIGHT INDUSTRY TESTING LABORATORY. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(67), 92–102. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2022-67-92-102



Chapter 2. Management and administration