
  • Svitlana Hаvrylіuk «KROK» University
  • Tetiana Lytvynova «KROK» University




entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship in the restaurant business, features of entrepreneurship in the restaurant business, business entities in the market of restaurant services, the main trends in restaurant business entrepreneurship


The article presents a scientific discussion on trends and prospects for entrepreneurship in the restaurant business. The essence of entrepreneurship is considered, modern views of various scholars on entrepreneurship are substantiated and their differences are clarified, the definition of restaurant business entrepreneurship is formulated. A comprehensive analysis of the development of entrepreneurship in the catering in Ukraine at the present stage is conducted. The subjects of entrepreneurial activity in the restaurant business and their composition are described. The main directions and forms of business development in the market of restaurant services of Ukraine are revealed. The main indicators of financial and economic activity of enterprises of different sizes by type of activity 56 "food and beverage service activities" are investigated in dynamics. The problems that arise in carrying out business activities in catering are identified. Measures to intensify the business activities of restaurant enterprises are proposed, which will significantly increase their socio-economic impact on the country's economy. The purpose of the article - to explore the theoretical and practical principles of entrepreneurial activity of restaurants and its industry features, to analyze the problems of entrepreneurship in the restaurant business. The scientific novelty of the article is to study the general features of entrepreneurial activity in the restaurant business, taking into account industry specifics, to study the problems of entrepreneurship development in catering. The methodological basis of the study is general theoretical and special methods, in particular, the method of logical generalization (logical and dialectical), the method of scientific abstraction, graphoanalytical method. 2010-2020 was chosen as the research period. The development of entrepreneurship and the introduction of effective forms of restaurant business will ensure the sustainable development of the restaurant business in Ukraine. The results of the study can be useful in the practical work of restaurants that seek to increase the efficiency of their activities.


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Author Biographies

Svitlana Hаvrylіuk, «KROK» University

PhD (Economics), associate professor, associate professor оf tourism department

Tetiana Lytvynova, «KROK» University

teacher оf tourism department


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How to Cite

Hаvrylіuk S., & Lytvynova, T. (2022). FEATURES OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Science Notes of KROK University, (1(65), 9–18. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2022-65-9-18