
  • Yuliia Romanovska Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



city, socio-economic security of the city, characteristics, analysis, relation, urban security


Given the rapid urbanisation, the provision of the urban socio-economic security is a special characteristic of securing a country which is an important factor for its successful development as well as the characteristic of results of function and development of the socio-economic system, called 'city'. The aim of the article is to analyze the characteristics of socio-economic security of the city, which together reflect not only its immanent (internal) essence, but also the system of connections and relationships in which this phenomenon is formed and developed. In this article, we highlight and describe the characteristics of the socio-economic security of the city which is the result of the objective and managed processes that happened and are happening in the country, region, city, and relations between the city and other types of socio-economic systems. The characteristics of the urban socio-economic security serve as an instrument of practical understanding of quite an abstract category, the 'socio-economic security of the city', allowing us to deepen understanding of the socio-economic security of the city. The characteristics of the urban socio-economic security in entirety reflect the immanent (innermost) essence of the 'urban socio-economic security' category and linkages and relations in which this phenomenon is being created and developed. The relevance of the analysis of the characteristics of the urban socio-economic security lies not only in their importance for complete and thorough understanding of the essence and nature of the 'urban socio-economic security' category and definition of its assessment and enhancement, but also in the absence of the appropriate systematic research in the meso-economic safetyology. The characteristics of the urban socio-economic security analysed through relations and intersectionality can be useful for municipal authorities to ensure security. By counting on them, municipal authorities are able to enhance the effectiveness of the provision of security. Also, it can help us mitigate threats to the 'city' socio-economic system and reduce their impact.


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Author Biography

Yuliia Romanovska, Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), associate professor, associate professor of finance department


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How to Cite

Romanovska, Y. (2021). SOCIO-ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE CITY: ANALYSIS OF CHARACTERISTICS. Science Notes of KROK University, (4(64), 182–192.



Chapter 8. Economic security of the state and economic entities