
  • Oleksandr Boris International Civil Defense Association of Ukraine
  • Anton Boris Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection




state regulation, emergency situation, liquidation, extinguishing, forest fires


The article examines the compliance of the provisions of the legal framework, which regulates governing state mechanisms of responding to emergencies related to the elimination of fires in forestry and civil defence, the actual practice of extinguishing large-scale forest fires that occurred in 2020 in the regions of Ukraine. The roles, powers and levels of responsibility of the competent executive authorities in the context of implementing the provisions of the functional subsystems of the Unified State Civil Protection System were analyzed and the analytical review of the organization’s pursuits of firefighting and operational management was committed by the response forces/civil defence forces in the conditions of the developed forest fires. Based on the generalization of the obtained statistical, informational and analytical data, the main problems of public administration in the organization of firefighting in forests, which have qualifications or are qualified as emergencies of regional/state level of the natural kind, were outlined. The key imperfections of the organization of activities that limit the application of existing emergency response mechanisms, which are related to the elimination of forest fires in terms of emergency management, coordination of actions between governing bodies, the interaction of response units, management of forces and means in implementing firefighting tactics were identified. The strategic position of the central executive body in the field of civil protection, technologic and fire safety in the system of response to large-scale forest fires was substantiated. To perfect the organization of firefighting pursuits in natural ecosystems, the ways of legal regulation of the existing regulatory framework were identified and the measures of state regulation for the redistribution of powers, responsibilities and functions of the competent executive authorities in the field of civil protection and forestry were proposed.


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Author Biographies

Oleksandr Boris, International Civil Defense Association of Ukraine

PhD (Technical), president

Anton Boris, Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection

researcher of the department of protection measures, research center for civil protection


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How to Cite

Boris, O., & Boris, A. (2021). SPECIFIC ISSUES OF STATE REGULATION OF CIVIL PROTECTION IN UKRAINE. Science Notes of KROK University, (3(63), 68–72. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2021-63-68-72



Chapter 5. Рublic management and administration