
  • Iryna Mala "KROK" University




export, export potential, efficiency of export of the metallurgical industry, export market of metal products, prospects of development of the metallurgical company


Realization of export potential of domestic enterprises is one of the key factors of success of the national economy and ensuring long-term development of economic entities in Ukraine. Entering foreign markets can stimulate Ukrainian enterprises to improve technology, innovate, develop marketing strategies and increase competitiveness in both domestic and foreign markets. The global crisis has had a significant impact on Ukrainian mining and metallurgical enterprises, which have proved unprepared for its challenges. As mentioned earlier, this is not only overproduction of ferrous metals, falling demand for low-quality metal products, but also increased competition, including associated with the emergence of new players in world markets: China, India, South Korea. And most importantly, over the years, systemic problems have accumulated related to the need for technical and technological re-equipment of production, improving the quality of ferrous metals, the production of new types of steel and rolled products. The article investigates the theoretical aspects of the formation of the export potential of industrial enterprises. The purpose of the article was to identify ways to increase the efficiency of the export potential of PJSC "ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih" (AMKR). The leading role of exports as one of the powerful stabilizing factors, which contributes to solving the priority economic and social problems of the country, has been identified. The priorities of the state economic policy on the development of the metallurgical industry and strengthening its export potential are given. The analysis of the export potential of AMKR is given, the prospects of further development of the export potential of the metallurgical company are outlined. An algorithm of successive actions has been formed, which is aimed at increasing the efficiency of the export potential of PJSC “ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih”. Based on the expected forecast of demand for metallurgical products in different regions of the world, the promising direction of the export potential of AMKR - the Chinese market.


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Author Biography

Iryna Mala, "KROK" University

senior tutor of management technologies department


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How to Cite

Mala, I. (2021). WAYS TO DEVELOP EXPORT POTENTIAL OF METALLURGICAL PLANT PJSC «ARCELORMITTAL KRYVYI RIH». Science Notes of KROK University, (2 (62), 27–34. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2021-62-27-34



Chapter 2. International economic relations