
  • Serhii Filatov «KROK» University
  • Vira Filatova G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for metal physics of N.A.S. of Ukraine




іnnovation potential, technology readiness level, commercialization, logistical support


Active innovation and investment activity is becoming an integral condition for ensuring the stability of the national economy, to increase the level of which is necessary: ​​the introduction of research results into the production process; improving the system of measures to support the state of invention and innovation; improving the institutional conditions for innovation. It is extremely important for Ukraine today to realize its scientific and technical potential, to overcome the problems associated with the lack of adequate funding from the state and the private sector, low demand of business structures for innovation, uncertain strategy of building a national innovation system. Therefore, the available resources and potential should be focused on the logistical support of research, which is one of the foundations of innovation potential, as well as the creation of an effective infrastructure that will ensure the transformation of research results into a product suitable for commercialization. Today, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine offers to all interested parties perspective scientific and technical developments of Ukrainian scientists in thematic areas with determination of the level of readiness of technologies (TRL). The purpose of the study is to specify the features of logistics approaches to innovative and applied research projects, taking into account the levels of their readiness to minimize the risks of non-return of investment. To apply logistics principles to the management of innovation projects, which are essentially scientific and technical developments, the connection of the phases of the life cycle of an innovation project with the levels of technology readiness (TRL) and taking into account the estimated time of investment. Logistic support at different stages of technology development and implementation has been identified, which will make it possible to partially reduce and reinsure the relevant risks of the developer and investor at different levels of technology readiness. The use of logistics tools, flexibility and receptivity of logistics systems to the implementation of innovations is an important component for the effective commercialization of scientific results, the development of technology transfer, innovation activities of research institutions.


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Author Biographies

Serhii Filatov, «KROK» University

PhD (Technical), associate professor of management technologies department

Vira Filatova, G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for metal physics of N.A.S. of Ukraine

PhD (Рhysical and Mathematical), head of project and innovation department


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How to Cite

Filatov, S., & Filatova, V. (2021). LOGISTICAL APPROACH TO THE INNOVATIVE APPLICATIONS WITH RESPECT TO TECHNOLOGY READINESS LEVEL. Science Notes of KROK University, (1 (61), 233–241. https://doi.org/10.31732/2663-2209-2021-61-233-241



Chapter 9. Innovative activities