
  • Andrii Tymoshenko «KROK» University



smuggling, counteraction to smuggling phenomena, economic security of the state, export, import, supplies


The geographical location of Ukraine, the passage through its territory of the main highways connecting East and West, as well as the lack of an effective system of border control along its entire length, especially in wartime, increase the risks of smuggling flows of goods, products, material values, etc. Smuggling intensifies amid high levels of corruption among officials, law enforcement officials and society at large. This not only complicates the development of effective organizational and economic mechanisms to combat smuggling in the border areas of Ukraine, but also intensifies the activities of criminal groups and intensifies the development of shadow processes in the economy. In modern conditions, the fight against smuggling and violations of customs regulations is a priority for our state. This is due to the fact that smuggling and violations of customs rules are becoming more sophisticated and organized forms, which in turn threatens national security and proper economic development of the country. In addition, Ukraine's geographical location allows the use of road, rail, air and sea transport for smuggling and violations of customs regulations. At present, a well-developed transport logistics (system for moving any tangible objects or substances from one point to another optimal route) has become one of the determinants of increased smuggling and violations of customs regulations in transport. The aim of the article is to analyze the fight against smuggling in Ukraine and the prospects for minimization.The article examines the essence of the concept of "smuggling" and establishes the basic typology of the concept, taking into account the peculiarities of its implementation. The volumes of smuggled deliveries to Ukraine and in terms of commodity groups have been established. The distribution of smuggled supplies to Ukraine by product groups is analyzed. The main countries-sources of smuggled supplies to Ukraine have been identified. The main factors that create favorable conditions for smuggling are systematized. The main schemes of smuggling imports are generalized. Ways to counteract smuggling phenomena in Ukraine are proposed.


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Author Biography

Andrii Tymoshenko, «KROK» University

postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Tymoshenko, A. (2021). COMBATING SMUGGLING PHENOMENA IN UKRAINE: PROSPECTS OF MINIMIZATION. Science Notes of KROK University, (1 (61), 209–218.



Chapter 8. Economic security of the state and economic entities