digital infrastructure, strategic vision, regular verbal formulation, strategy, developmentAbstract
In the study of theoretical and methodological foundations of strategic basis for the development of digital products as a general forecasting of economic, production, structural and organizational, important and existing, development trends that are used dynamically, the results are likely to believe that the resource sustainability potential is diverse. in terms of the commodity market. and market services that are also priority or leadership positions by market participants. Expand the stages of comprehensive digital expansion. Emphasizing that this complex integrated cycle is evolving, it was created, which is a strategic desire to develop digital infrastructure as an expert, natural and verbal way that provides the prospect of its socio-economic development and transformation under important factors, and may exist. The strategic basis for the development of digital technologies should be formed by joining a sound expert representative of group leaders (managers), using and justifying the target guidelines of the strategic plan. At the same time, the strategic desire is contained in the legislative-virtual work, which contains the composition and supported functionality, and the main visible characteristics exist, and it works fine for production activities in the central region, and there may be enough products to have on imply that their number is in the digital. infrastructures that achieve economic and reliable development trends in the strategic period. At the same time, he stressed that the strategic desire is developed by digital technologies, it is produced in production and the social sphere, but there are effective, highly justified, which are business entities engaged in state economic results. Also features of complex maintenance of development of elements of digitalization in the formed plan of strategic development should be purposefully defined by the economic and social role in maintenance of normal conditions for manufacture of production, performance of works to consumers, to characterize real resource possibility services, work performed, the presence of a new level of competitiveness.
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