state, political state, economic condition, state - enterprise, public administration, public servant, information and communication technologies, electronic document flow, quality of public service, CRI system, efficiency of public administration, e-governanceAbstract
The article deals with the main reasons for the reform of public administration in Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on the need to create an effective public service and the main directions of public administration reform. The main purpose of the research is to argue for the adaptation of corporate governance tools to the management system of public organizations. This approach is a prerequisite for improving the performance of public authorities through the implementation of IT and evaluating the performance of public servants and public authorities as a whole. Theoretical foundations and world experience of informatization of public service, adaptation of information and communication technologies are analyzed. The systematization of literary sources and approaches to solving problems of implementation of innovative management technologies in public service activity showed that in Ukraine it is only recently that the search for tools for objective measurement of the effectiveness of the activity of public authorities and officials began. The urgency of solving this scientific problem lies in the fact that the effectiveness of the functioning of the public administration system affects the level of development of the national economy and the well-being of the whole society. The results of the functional activities of each public servant and public authority must be in a state of constant monitoring by the public. Consideration of government performance across the country in the World Bank's GRICS (Governance Research Indicator Country Snapshot) rating. The main evaluation criteria and dynamics of Ukraine's position in this rating are presented. Methodical tools of the research were methods scientific modeling and empirical scientific method. The tendency of changes in the share of expenditures on the maintenance of public administration bodies of the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine is analyzed, as well as the tendency of change of nominal GDP and expenditures on the salaries of public sector employees over the reporting period to evaluate the effectiveness of the public administration system in Ukraine and to compare with other countries. The object of the study is the activities of public servants and public authorities as they form and implement public policies. Their activities affect the effectiveness of the implementation of management decisions. The study empirically confirms and theoretically demonstrates the relationship between public service efficiency and the well-being of the country's population, which is particularly relevant to Ukraine today. Emphasis is placed on the need to introduce a CRI system for public servants. The results of the study may be useful for public authorities in the implementation of public administration reform in Ukraine.
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