competitive edges, market environment, competitiveness, enterprise, factor, price, qualityAbstract
It is set in the article, that in scientific literature there is the great number of approaches to determination of essence of competitive edges. Determination of competitive edges as those descriptions, consumer properties of commodity or brand, which create for a firm certain advantage above its direct competitors, is enough widespread. Such advantage is achieved through the grant to the users of the greater blessing: either due to realization of more cheap products, or thanks to suggestion of high-quality products with the set of additional services, however after it is comparative by higher prices. It is certain, that forming of competitive edges on an enterprise it is possible on the basis of rationalization of unit cost, high measure of differentiation of commodities, clever market segmentation, introduction of innovations, rapid reaction on the necessities of market. To the meaningful factors of providing of competitive edges of them also can belong higher level of labour productivity and qualification of staff manufacturing, technical, commercial; quality and technical level of the made wares; administrative trade, strategic thought at different level of management, that are represented in the economy growing. It is certain, that by the typical reasons of innovations, that give the competitive edge, come forward: new technologies; new or such, that change, to wash down users; change of cost or presence of components of production; appearance of a new segment of industry; change of the governmental adjusting. A competitiveness is determined by the competitive edges: from one side, by quality of commodity, by his technical level, by consumer properties, from other, - prices, that are determined by the salespeople of commodities in addition, advantages in service a guarantee influence on a competitiveness, to advertising, image of producer, and also situation at the market, oscillation of demand. In the process of providing of competitive edges for an enterprise it is important to show in the market environment of co-operation of social character, in particular reaction on criticism, capacity for teaching, communications and support of communications with the circle of persons, what enterprises interested in success, that will create pre-conditions for effective development of enterprise.
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