risk identification, Ishikawa diagram, anbanding, risk management, risk oriented approachAbstract
The author investigates the process of risk identification on the example of a domestic energy company. The purpose of this study is to outline the mechanism and stages of risk identification of a manufacturing company, which consists in identifying assets, sources of risk, identifying risk events, existing control measures and identifying consequences. The article fully discloses the stage of risk identification, with the necessary input documentation, a list of assets that will be identified, and an OCTAVE asset rating scale. It is suggested that the author identify the sources of risk using the Ishikawa diagram used to determine the possible causes of an undesirable event or problem. Particular attention should be paid to the components that form the diagram, in the risk areas, causes, consequences and sources of formation. For its construction the author has selected 6M categories for analysis, namely: mechanisms and equipment, methods, materials, measurement, human and environment. The stage of identification of risk events is described in detail by the author on the example of the selected energy company and its top 10 risks are identified. Identification of existing control measures is realized through a series of actions of the analyzed company investigating the author. The identification of the effects of the risks is illustrative of the risks that led to the fall in the value of the company's shares. As a result, the author identifies major barriers to implementing risk management in the area of economic security at the enterprise and generates major mistakes in integrating the risk-oriented approach at the enterprise, regardless of the economy.
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