multifactorial model, quality, safety, criteria methods, computer program, integrated tourist serviceAbstract
The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies on the construction of a multifactor model for assessing the quality level of a complex tourist service depending on the rapidly changing requirements of the consumers and their age. It is proved that the solution of the issue of quality assessment of complex tourist service belongs to multicriteria problems. This is due to the fact that this service is described by a whole set of indicators, which are divided into four groups by purpose: security level, comfort level, informative level, staff qualification level. It is suggested to apply metric introduction method in the target function field in order to assess a travel service quality level. Such approach helps to obtain formal procedure for determining composite index of all-inclusive travel service quality level of particular enterprise. Summary description of travel company operation is assisted by an objectives tree. The tree is multifactorial and is described by 84 singular indices in four criteria. For the building of the multifactor model it is necessary to know the initial indicators which describe the studied tourism enterprises and the values of the weight coefficients that are appropriate for the purpose of comparison of these enterprises. Weighting coefficients are determined by the expert method by pairwise comparison of the most significant benefits for each group of indicators. The computer program "" was developed to evaluate the real-time rating of the tourist enterprise. This program allows to choose the best tourist enterprise according to such indicators as quality, safety. ASP.NET technology was chosen to develop the software, which allows to build complex systems in its functionality and occupies a priority niche among the tools for web site development on the global Internet.
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