conceptual apparatus, structural-logical, management, concepts, judgments, positions, laws, axioms, postulates, principlesAbstract
Modern life in Ukraine is marked by radical political, socio-cultural, economic spheres. A market environment is formed in which management becomes of particular importance to any organization. Management functions are performed by many people who need special knowledge. And this requires the mastery of management, which is both science and art. Complex business conditions, changes in technology and technologies, growing demands of consumers require modern managers of all levels of management, new knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of the time. The human resources management system should be based on modern principles that will enable both common goals to be achieved within selected markets and a high level of employee commitment. In the traditional literature, the principles of the formation of a system of personnel management are listed in a somewhat generalized way, without taking into account the state of affairs in the relevant field or the peculiarities of the operation of a particular enterprise. It should also be noted that, despite the abundance of the above principles, their list is incomplete, because it does not take into account the realities of time. The principles on which the human resources management system is based need constant updating and refinement, as the market environment of operation is constantly changing. In order to build a highly effective personnel management system, it is necessary to investigate the essence and significance of the principles of the formation of the corresponding system in the new market conditions. The article analyzes the basic principles that define the conceptual apparatus of management. The structural-logical scheme of the conceptual apparatus of science is singled out, and the basic principles and their influence on the formation of the conceptual apparatus. Proposed proposals for a more in-depth study of student management and the main principles that influence the formation of the conceptual apparatus of science.
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