
  • Г. Б. Ciчиoкнo «KROK» University



economic safety of the state, system of economic safety, threat, an estimation of economic safety, a method, criterion, an indicator


Negative tendencies of a social and economic condition staticized a question on improvement of mechanisms of management by system of economic safety of the state. The question of an estimation of economic safety of the state definitively is not developed today. Additional studying of base methods of formalization of decisions by its estimation in modern economic conditions is necessary. As a whole, the estimation of threats and losses from their influence is carried out on the basis of criteria of economic safety. Criteria, in turn, are expressed by indicators of economic safety. Accordingly the essence of economic safety is realized in system of its criteria and indicators. In given article actualization of the basic methods of formalization of decisions according to economic safety of Ukraine in modern conditions is considered. The basic criteria of an estimation of economic safety are thus described. Classification of indicators of economic safety of the country is spent. Threshold values of some basic indicators of economic safety are considered. And also some methods of economic-mathematical modeling of object of research and a technique of an estimation of risk of the country and its reliability are considered. Thus, stated allows to define, that all considered methods have both the advantages, and lacks. They are shown, to some extent, depending on an available material, computing possibilities of electronic computers and use of the corresponding software. Therefore today, sharing of these methods, with operative and flexible application of a concrete method depending on a solved problem is the most effective.


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Author Biography

Г. Б. Ciчиoкнo, «KROK» University

postgraduate student


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How to Cite

Ciчиoкнo Г. Б. (2018). METHODICAL APPROACHES TO THE ASSESSMENT OF UKRAINE’S ECONOMIC SECURITY. Science Notes of KROK University, (4 (52), 205–212.



Chapter 8. Economic security of the state and economic entities