economic security, industry, mechanism of economic security, elements of the system, system approachAbstract
In today's conditions, the main problem in the functioning study of the mechanism for the industry economic security ensuring is the actual lack of a theoretical and methodological base and scientific research on the methodology of its formation and implementation. As a result, to form a mechanism for providing the industry economic security it is expedient to apply systemic and integrated approaches that allow to consider the economic safety of the industry and its mechanism of providing as integrity of interconnected and interacting elements in the overall structure. This allows creating a clear and logical system through combining the methodological base developed by leading scientists with the economic security of the state, the adaptation of research methods and means of ensuring economic security, and the creation and combination of new ones. The formation of the mechanism for ensuring the economic security of the industry is aimed at identifying a set of consistent interrelated actions at different levels of management and ensuring economic security, which embody institutional, organizational, managerial methods, measures and means, improvement of the regulatory base in accordance with the defined development priorities and the provision of economic security industry, adopted strategy, with the purpose of system operation and effective provision of economic security of the industry under globalization. The effectiveness of implementing planned and developed areas for ensuring the country's economic security depends on the effectiveness of implementing the processes of increasing the competitiveness of the industry and ensuring its integration into the international market. The mechanism for ensuring economic security is a mechanism aimed at ensuring the economic security of domestic industries, while ensuring the economic security of the process of integration and increasing the level of economic security of the industry reflect the methods and tools that achieve the strategic goal of ensuring a high level of economic security of the industry sufficient for its stable functioning and effective development.
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