business, business infrastructure of entrepreneurship, classification, elements of infrastructure, agrarian entrepreneurshipAbstract
The relevance of the investigation is determined by the key role of agrarian entrepreneurship in the modern socially oriented market economy. The purpose of the study is to develop a generalized classification of elements of the business infrastructure of agrarian entrepreneurship and its characteristics. Many studies have a large number of approaches to classifying elements of an enterprise infrastructure, but each of them is based on only one feature. However, each of the authors does not give a clear classification of the elements of the business infrastructure of agrarian business. The article presents the results of the general classification of elements of the business infrastructure of agrarian
entrepreneurship on the basis of functional features. In the system of infrastructure provision of agrarian enterprises, it is proposed to divide the infrastructure of agrarian entrepreneurship into the starting infrastructure; development infrastructure; infrastructure aimed at maintaining stability; restructuring infrastructure. This is due to the fact that each stage of the company’s life cycle is characterized by specific problems, resulting in the need for certain types and elements of infrastructure that can provide effective decision-making in the current situation. This approach seems to be quite significant, since it permits: first, to consider the infrastructure of agrarian entrepreneurship not in statics, but in
dynamics; secondly, to identify the need for small and medium-agrarian entrepreneurship in various elements and functions of infrastructure, depending on the tasks they set. Established that business infrastructure of agrarian business involves a set of industries, types of production or activities that serve and ensure the normal functioning of the main
production, as well as non-productive sphere.
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