


labor market, unemployment, unemployment rate, employment rate, causes of unemployment, consequences of unemployment, correlation-regression analysis


Under the current conditions of integration of the Ukrainian economy into the European Union, when one of the key directions of the country's global policy orientation is the achievement of a high level of employment, a significant obstacle is the increase in the unemployment rate in the country. It is established that in recent years in Ukraine there has been a tendency of deterioration of the economic situation of the labor market, an increase in unemployment, a decrease in the working-age population, an increase in the level of inflation, and a decrease in the amount of unemployment benefits, while weakly managed processes of European integration have an even greater impact on the increase in unemployment, which causes a degradation of the labor potential of the country. According to the results of the analysis of the tendencies in the labor market of Ukraine in recent years, in accordance with the indicators  of employment and unemployment rate, the reasons for the high unemployment rate in Ukraine are determined. On the basis of statistical data, the dynamics of unemployment in Ukraine are analyzed for reasons of unemployment in recent years and the negative consequences of high unemployment in the country are determined. With the help of correlationregression analysis, factors that under the present conditions have the greatest impact on the unemployment rate are identified: inflation index, real wage index, share of pensioners, the proportion of full-time students, the ratio of the number of unemployed men to the total number of unemployed. The ways of raising the level of employment of the population of Ukraine are proposed, the main of which are: strengthening of the actions of the state apparatus of management on the training of the workforce to the newest working conditions; withdrawal from the shadow of small business; orientation of the state on the increase of knowledge, skills, skills, competence of the growing working-age population; encouraging the registration of the unemployed in state employment centers by increasing the amount of unemployment benefits, providing a wide range of educational services, looking for a job in line with the specialty and previous position; the orientation of the state economy to the creation and "return to life" of the working professions in various spheres of employment of the country; improvement of the system of labor protection, etc.


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Author Biographies

В. І. Карюк, «KROK» University

Ph.D., associate professor at the department of tourism

Г. М. Білокур, «KROK» University

master degree holder


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How to Cite

Карюк, В. І., & Білокур, Г. М. (2018). ANALYSIS OF FACTORS INFLUENCING UNEMPLOYMENT IN UKRAINE UNDER CURRENT CONDITIONS. Science Notes of KROK University, (4 (52), 94–102.



Chapter 5. Economy and management of the state and economic entities