The path of change or the history of reorganization of one company
path to change, innovation, experience of reform, philosophy in economics, practical tips for businesses and campaigns, tips in managing and developing campaigns, ways to overcome the crisisAbstract
In this article we will talk about the fact that recently the cause of all the problems and troubles is called the world crisis. However, according to the author’s deep conviction, the crisis is only a consequence of deeper reasons. A large number of analysts in various industries tried to explain the causes of the crisis and find ways out of it. That is, they answered two eternal questions: “Who is to blame?” And “What is to be done?”. A huge number of objective and subjective factors were identified that influenced the onset of the crisis. Found many forces that are responsible. But behind all this, the main reason was not named: the man himself, his world view, his realization of his right to choose, that is, how she perceives herself, the world around her. What is for her the main, valuable, than she pays attention. Of course, it can be said that these are philosophical categories, and they are not the main ones in economics and production. But an organization, a state, a people is a collection of concrete people, each of whom makes a choice almost every minute. What program to watch, what products to use, what to spend your time, money, how and by whom to work and the like. It depends on the person in which direction her attention will be directed, and the totality of similar choices generates a tendency and direction of movement. Therefore, the question “Who is to blame?” You can answer that each of us is responsible for the situation in the world in which we are located, which means the answer to the question “What to do?” It is necessary to change yourself first of all. Of course, to say “you have to change yourself” is very easy, but to change, how to see, what views or actions lead to negative consequences arising in a person’s life? Answer these questions is impossible in a jiffy. Each person has his own answers to them, and their search is the way to life. But, if we want to live better than now, we must begin to go. We must take the first step, because, according to Eastern wisdom, the road of a thousand steps begins with the first step. In this article, the author describes how, in due time, her team took these first steps: “Our work concerned changes in ourselves in the plane of professional activity, namely, the ownership and operation of business centers. Perhaps our experience will be useful and interesting to other companies”.
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