Transformation of the behavior of Hungarian households as a result of economic transformations in the 1990s




Hungary, reforming of economy, transformation in the state and behavior of households in Hungary, institutional social reforms., institutional social reforms


The article analyzes the most important transformations in the state and behavior of households in Hungary as a result of economic transformations in 90s. The key directions of state activity in this area are determined. It is emphasized that changes in the situation of households refl ect the real results and the social price of reforms, which often do not coincide with their estimates based on macroeconomic indicators. Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that unresolved social problems, especially the extent of poverty and unemployment, social exclusion, can become a serious obstacle to progress, source of serious social, national and political confl icts. It is noted that it was in 1990s that Hungary actively pursued institutional social reforms and adapted to social reforms that would meet EU requirements.


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Author Biography

Д. І. Ткач, «KROK» University

Doctor of Political Science, Vice-Rector for international Affairs "KROK" University


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How to Cite

Ткач, Д. І. (2018). Transformation of the behavior of Hungarian households as a result of economic transformations in the 1990s. Science Notes of KROK University, (48), 68–77.



Chapter 1 Economic Theory